(Human soul must be healed, and delivered).
Even though if the Bible didn’t clearly report that Jesus have to deal directly with the emotional healing on people, however, it showed anyway that the son of God came on earth to heal the brokenhearted (Luke 4: 18).
He also preached about peace, fear, worries, non condamnation, guilty, abandonment, rejection and other inner wounds inside the heart of men. Indeed, the brokenness of heart brings internal suffering in life.
More than that, can you realize how many people are dying emotionally today? They need an emotional healing which means, a deliverance.
That what we do at “Fire and Wind of Revival”, in Charlotte, NC. You also can pray with us, and as a partner, be a part of that, too.
Find below situations dealing with the human heart (soul):
Rebellion, Insecurity, Stubbornness, Shame/ Charge, discouragement, Self-will/ Fear, Abatement, Clean Stubbornness/ Bitterness, repeated weaknesses, disobedience,
Hatred, Drowsiness, Insubordination/ Self-contempt, Self-contempt, Death, Confusion/ Rejection, Desire to die, Lack of memory/ Nervousness, Troubled memory, Fear for change,
Heaviness, Thought, Self-contempt/ Depression, Indifference, Grief, Neglect/ Perversion, Sadness, False compassion/ Grudge, Continued poverty, Carnal desire/ Pain, blockage and repeated ruin, fantasy,
Anger, Violence, Repeated Chess/ Revenge, Conflicts, Murder/ Dispute, Adulterous, Brawl/ Jealousy, Discussion, feuds Incest/ Envy, Reminiscence, Reducing Attitude/ Temptation of being discouraged,
Soul in pain, Pleasure in seeing while people mourn, Domination/ Unbridled Sexuality, Melancholy, Marital manipulation/ Despair Pride, Ego, Worries, Sufficiency,
Anxiety, Intellectualism, Religion/ Crying, Heartache, Witchcraft, Religion/ Sexual desires, Arrogance, Tradition/ Vices, Divination, Ritualism/ Excess of table, Astrology, Formalism,
Doubt and Disbelief, Fortune telling/ Legalism, Skepticism, Amulets, Martial Arts/ Idolatry desires, Sectarianism, Voodoo conviction, Guilty/ Inferiority complex, False visions, Superiority complex/ Depression, Lies, Enjoying to lie to others/ Loving to lie to oneself.
Are you abandoned, empty and discouraged? Your soul is in sorrow and in pain?
Job, in chapter 3 verse 26 said: “I have no peace, no quietness”. Maybe that is where you are right now. Your soul is crying. You are confused and lost.
But remember that if your are born again, your are a child of God and Jesus, the Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6), is your brother.
He is able to heal your emotions, your feelings and your desires, and to give you peace, joy and happiness you need. So, tell us what can we do to help you recover your joy?
And if you have a testimony to share with us, send us a little message through the contact’s tab, and we will post it on our Testimony Emotional Healing’s tab, within this website.